
Payments may be made by cash, check, Paypal, Dwolla or credit card. Alternative payment arrangements may be made with the program staff. A written or emailed acknowledgement of payment arrangements is required before agreement is considered active. All payments due in full prior to the beginning of the program or session unless other arrangements have been made in writing.

Payments more than 24 hours late without prior written permission incur a $50 late fee.

Unpaid balances may be subject to interest or collection fees or grounds for program cancellation.


A deposit may be made at any time to secure a place in a particular program. Refunds less a $75 cancellation fee or transfers may be made as detailed below.


21 Day Programs: Transfers to a subsequent session, program or service may be made up to 10 days prior to program start with no transfer fee. Transfers may be made 9-0 days prior to program start for a 25% transfer fee. No transfers may be made after program start. 

1 Week Residential Programs and Private Retreats: Transfers to a subsequent session, program or service may be made up to 30 days prior to program start with a 75$ transfer fee. Transfers may be made 30-14 days prior to program start for a 25% transfer fee. No transfers may be made after 14 days prior. 

3-18 Month Programs: Due to the unique and intensive nature of these program, no transfers are provided for. Payment in full is due upon cessation of work or end of program, whichever is first.

Allies: No Transfers

Cancellations and Refunds

21 Day Programs: Up to 10 days prior to program: Full transfer with no fee or full refund minus $75 Cancellation fee.  9-0 days prior to program through completion: 50%  refund/transfer.  No Show: no refund, transfer

1 Week Residential Programs and Private Retreats: Up to 30 days prior to program: Full transfer with no fee or full refund minus $75 Cancellation fee.  30-14 days prior to program through completion: 50%  refund/transfer.  No Show: no refund, transfer

3-18 Month Programs:  Up to program beginning: Full refund minus $75 Cancellation fee.  Up to program beginning 50%  refund.  Post Beginning: No refund - tuition due in full.  No Show: no refund, transfer

Allies: No Cancellations or refunds. $500/mo fee for inactive projects. If an Ally project is unfinished and unclaimed, the Ally and related materials will be disposed of or repurposed by the host.

If at any time the program leader determines the program is not a good fit for you a prorated refund may be made based on portion of program completion minus hard costs. Does not apply to 12-18 Month programs. 


Registration deadline varies. Late registration may be possible for some programs.

Privacy Policy

All personal information is considered intensely private and will not be shared for any reason. The Online community is only available to program participants or leaders. In these programs you may have access to information of a highly personal nature from other participants, please treat this as you would like them to treat yours. Private!

20.11.11 - change 12-18 month program policies to include 3-18 month

19.1.1- add private retreat policies

16.4.29 - add Allies, remove members





Last Update