IN the words of others
I've known Lawrence for many years. His work helps me to experience a greater reality beyond my perceptions. It's powerful. I feel lucky to be a part of the group surrounding his work. It has helped me to orient myself to a positive perspective as I move through this life, carrying the fire within, shining the light into a chaotic, and ever darkening world.
Jason Grannon
I'm learning to hold my clients (and myself) with compassion and to celebrate the beauty and messiness of life with gratitude and humor. The effects on my clients and practice have been tremendous!
J.V. - Clinical Psychologist - Oakland
Lawrence is an incredibly focused healer with the ability to fully connect with you be it in person, on a traditional call or video conferencing. His disciplined approach to self care allows him the ability to hone in on your needs and blockages with a balanced foundation. I always leave a meeting with Lawrence feeling uplifted and full of love. His ability to connect with guides and source out universal assistance is uncanny. A true master of meditation.
Heather Arterburn - Denver
Lawrence is spiritually connected in a way few are. Extremely humble, close to those he is leading and has a contagious vulnerability that causes others to open up and feel safe doing that. Exceptionally knowledgeable but serves this up in small doses when it's pertinent and he never gets carried away in a tidal wave of information that drowns everyone around. Exquisitely and excruciatingly sensitive, a high-level seeker of enlightenment with the humbleness of the Beginner…
Lonny Gold - Sweden
Igniter. You spark people up.
You have a way of holding space for people that is so non judgemental and so open and supportive that people's defenses against their own shameful bits or whatever parts they don't like about themselves relax and they're more able and willing to see and hold those pieces, which enables/empowers/encourages them further to claim their own power and light. en-cour-age
Camille Xochitl Goss - San Franciso
A real doctor doesn't give you the medicine you want but gives you the medicine you need. Thank you Lawrence Kampf. Humbly bowing.
Britton Turkett - Active Recovery Network - San Diego
Not knowing exactly what Lawrence's modalities were didn't keep him from changing my life. I was looking for help as much as healing and that is what I got.
He was able to see a stronger, wiser and more attuned self that I had not yet even imagined. He addressed me respectfully from that place despite having also seen my inner commotion. I can say after eight years, that my life changed the day we worked together and I've gradually found the powerful person within me that he saw so many years ago.
Its hard to put into just a few words what working with Lawrence has meant to me. With energy and healing work you can only change as much as you are willing to. Clear your mind, take a deep breath and ask what you are ready to let go of and what you will allow in. It is my belief that Lawrence will meet you there, where ever that is.
J.P. - Artist - San Francisco
You're 100% present for people, which is rare. The "you" doesn't get in the way. In this, I think you're serving as a powerful vehicle for transformative energies.
M.L. - Design Executive - Berlin
Today was profound for me. Truly. A life milestone. Many thanks to you. You are a gifted, special soul.
Gary Bean - Kentucky
I want you to know that I feel you are the best physical/energetic healer I know.
C.C. - Spiritual Counselor and CFO - San Francisco
Thank you for helping me manifest the amazing life I have now.
K.R. - Changemaker, Consultant - Stockholm
Wow! Simply wow.